
Comparative Analysis of Simulation Methods from the Modeler's Perspective: A Case Study of an Air Defense Operations Simulator

D. S. Liu, C. M. Lai and H. N. Wu






In the field of operations research, simulation techniques are considered important tools for analyzing complex dynamic problems. Agent-based simulation is suitable for exploring diverse individuals and their interactions, while discrete event simulation is suitable for procedural issues, particularly the sequence of events after objects enter the system. When there is a need for modeling, modelers need to choose the most appropriate method to build models that describe the objects based on the problem characteristics. Air defense issues are complex and critical in the defense domain, with many subsystems within an air defense system needing to cooperate during engagement processes. Various threats and defense strategies must be considered, involving processes and interactions. A single simulation method may face challenges in coverage or complexity during the modeling process.
Recent research indicates that the hybrid simulation method, which integrates two or more simulation methods, is gaining widespread attention. However, there is a relative lack of comparative studies between hybrid simulation and single simulation methods. Therefore, this study focuses on air defense issues and adopts discrete event simulation, agent-based simulation, and hybrid simulation, using the AnyLogic simulation platform to build simulation models. The study aims to compare the differences between the three methods from the perspective of modelers, addressing the research gap in simulation method comparison.
This study delves into the differences between different modeling methods from the perspective of modelers and evaluates the applications of three simulation methods. The results show that, for modelers, building hybrid simulation models with appropriate methods to describe different details of the simulation object on a single simulation platform has fewer limitations and is a more flexible modeling approach. However, hybrid simulation also requires modelers to be familiar with various modeling methods and tools, presenting a higher threshold.

KEYWORDS: Hybrid Simulation; Discrete Event Simulation; Agent-Based Simulation; Simulation Method Comparison; Modelers