
Discussion on Taiwan’s Digital Transformation Platforms for Disaster Prevention and Rescue – Taking Earthquake Disasters as an Example

C. Y. Chang, C. C. Chen and H. Y. Wang

高雄科技大學 土木工程系


臺灣因位於環太平洋地震帶,時常面臨地震和海嘯威脅。近年來,由於政府和民間企業合作,利用新科技提升災害應對,資訊科技的進步也提高了地震監測和預警能力。在政府所推動的「災害防救科技創新服務方案(108-111年)」和「災害防救韌性科技方案(112-115年度」中,網路平台與App亦是數位轉型核心的重要一環,其目的在於優化居住地之韌性和安全性。本研究將於眾多政府部門所推出的數位轉型平台中,篩選出行政法人國家災害防救科技中心(NCDR)最具代表性的防救災數轉平台來進行使用者體驗(User Experience, UX),初步探討該防救災數位轉型平台的2大使用者體驗面向,即實用性(Utility)及易用性(Usability),並且透過使用者專訪的方式,實際依照試題要求進行NCDR數位轉型平台的操作、任務解答並產生過程反饋。經專訪後,本研究發現NCDR數位轉型平台目前在防救災的4大階段,減災、整備、應變、復原,能發揮的實用性作用是有限的;在易用性面向亦存在有待迭代更新的問題。本研究除了可作為民眾操作NCRD數位轉型平台的基礎教學外,也可為將來的防救災數位轉型平台設計架構策略提供一個更精簡之參考。



Taiwan faces threats of earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis due to its location in the Pacific Ring of Fire. In recent years, advancements in information technology have improved earthquake monitoring and early warning capabilities. Through collaboration between the government and private enterprises, new technologies are being utilized to enhance disaster response. The government-led initiatives such as the "Disaster Prevention and Rescue Technology Innovation Service Plan (Years 108-111)" and the "Disaster Prevention and Rescue Resilient Technology Plan (Years 112-115)" integrate web platforms and apps as core components of digital transformation aimed at enhancing residential resilience and comfort. This study focuses on exploring user experience (UX) within the digital transformation platforms offered by various government departments, with a particular emphasis on the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR), known for its representative disaster prevention and rescue digital transformation platform. The research primarily investigates two key aspects of user experience: utility and usability. Through user interviews, participants are engaged in using the NCDR digital transformation platform according to task requirements, providing feedback on the process. The findings reveal that while the NCDR digital transformation platform serves a limited utility role across the four major disaster phases – mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery – there are significant areas for improvement in terms of usability. This study serves as a foundational guide for the public in operating the NCDR digital transformation platform and offers insights for future design strategies of disaster prevention and rescue digital transformation platforms.

KEYWORDS: Disaster Prevention and Rescue Digital Transformation; Digital Transformation Platform; User Experience; Utility; Usability.