
Discussion on the Safety Assessment of Construction Along Railway Lines

F. Y. Chang and Y. N. Sheen and C. H. Wu






The history of railway development in Taiwan dates back to the late Qing Dynasty, spanning over 100 years to the present day. Originally established for freight transportation, railways gradually evolved to serve military needs and later adapted to meet economic demands. Following the lifting of martial law, alongside rapid economic growth, trains became the primary mode of transportation for people traveling between northern and southern Taiwan. In recent years, the government has been promoting railway electrification.
However, in the process of updating railway transportation infrastructure, redevelopment must be carried out without disrupting normal railway operations and crucial transportation routes. Additionally, projects must comply with environmental impact assessments and historical site reviews. The choice of construction methods is limited by time constraints and geographical limitations. Numerous engineering difficulties and existing obstacles must be overcome. With increasing emphasis on safety awareness, any oversight in construction procedures could lead to accidents.
Therefore, this study aims to analyze incidents occurring during trackside construction and consolidate preventive measures based on the undergrounding project of Tainan Railway Station. These insights can serve as a reference for similar railway projects in the future, reducing the likelihood of construction accidents and ultimately achieving the goal of zero disasters.

KEYWORDS: Construction Near Railway Tracks; Construction Risk Prevention; Tainan Railway Undergrounding Project.