
Exploring Factors Affecting Body Weight and Body Fat in Modern Humans from a Scientific Perspective

K. T. Li, M. H. Chiang, M. Y. Chiang, C. K. Lin, C. H. Yang and T. C. Wang

空軍軍官學校 航空管理學系





This study aims to explore the potential sources of negative stress during the weight loss process, including societal expectations, self-demands, and lifestyle changes. Through surveys conducted on university students and athletes, this research identified societal expectations for the perfect body shape and personal dissatisfaction with one's body image as the primary sources of pressure. Additionally, athletes may experience anxiety and stress due to misconceptions about the effectiveness of exercise. Dietary and lifestyle changes may lead to maladaptation and challenges for individuals, affecting their social and daily lives. Most importantly, during the weight loss process, linking body weight to self-worth may trigger self-esteem issues. Therefore, this study emphasizes the importance of setting healthy weight loss goals and maintaining stable self-esteem for achieving a healthy and happy lifestyle.

KEYWORDS: Weight Loss Pressure; Societal Expectations; Body Image; Athletes; Lifestyle Changes; Self-Esteem Issues; Health And Happiness.