摘要 本研究應用田口實驗法與塑膠射出成型模流分析法,探討成型參數之改善以解決射出成型塑膠正齒輪之體積收縮與翹曲變形過大的問題。欲改善的成型參數有充填時間、保壓時間、熔膠溫度及冷卻時間等四個因子。研究首先依據田口實驗法以L9直交表規劃3水準4因子之實驗。其次,以KISSSoft軟體建立正齒輪的3D幾何模型,並將此模型導入模流分析軟體Moldex3D前處理器中作為成型工件之模型。之後在Moldex3D前處理器中建立澆口、流道、冷卻水路及模座模型,並對工件、澆口與流道劃分有限元素。在前處理器中完成設定成型塑膠與成型參數後,將結果送交給Moldex3D進行模流分析。最後在後處理器中讀取成型工件的最大翹曲變形量與體積收縮率兩指標。田口實驗的結果透過主效應圖的分析,得出成型參數的改善解。研究結果顯示,改善後的成型參數可使成型工件的翹曲變形量降低12.11%,使體積收縮率降低7.82%。成型參數的調整方向為:充填時間要縮短,保壓時間要拉長,熔膠溫度要降低,冷卻時間要縮短,對於降低體積收縮率與翹曲變形量是有幫助的。
關鍵字:田口實驗法、射出成型模流分析、塑膠齒輪、翹曲變形、體積收縮率。 ABSTRACT Taiwan's economic activities are booming, and in a busy modern society, many office workers or college students (outdoor eaters) prefer convenience stores. Convenience stores provide a variety of products for consumers to buy and serve the products needed by different ethnic groups. The popularity and convenience of stores allow consumers to buy quickly and increase customer dependence. Therefore, convenience stores are inseparable from the life of modern people. For such a fast and convenient service business model, a complete logistics system must support its success factors. This study discusses the logistics management of convenience stores. Use trade-off theory to build the mathematical model and linear analysis to explore the best solution for logistics transportation under different parameters. KEYWORDS: Convenience Store; Logistics; Diversification; Trade-Off Theory |