
National Army Tank Equipment Maintenance Scheduling Optimization- Take A Chariot Company Of The National Army As An Example

J. H. Chen and S. Q. Hsu

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系所


國防武器是國軍重要的安全支柱,武器搭配人員訓練才能發揮武器效能,而車輛為陸軍機動及打擊之主要裝備,其妥善優寡,會嚴重影響到部隊訓練及人員訓練安全,國軍後勤整體上有基本車輛檢修排定期程表及各項保養期程,與目前規劃演訓及戰備任務操演相互重疊,無法如期完成保養或者車輛無法出勤等問題產生,而發現問題時往往造成無法人員配合到訓練的問題產生。 本研究將以用線性規劃最佳化求解為基礎,求得理解裝備維修排程最佳化,最後對裝備及維修金額做敏感度分析,在研究中透過設計之資料以及維修資料來進行測試。



National defense weapons are an important security pillar of the national army. Only weapons can be used with personnel training to exert their effectiveness. Vehicles are the main equipment of the army's maneuvering and combating. If they are properly selected, they will seriously affect the security of army training and personnel training. The overall logistics of the national army There are basic vehicle maintenance schedules and various maintenance schedules, which overlap with the current planning drills and combat readiness mission drills. Problems such as failure to complete maintenance as scheduled or vehicles unable to attend work often result in failure of personnel to cooperate. Training problems arise.This research will be based on the optimization solution using linear programming to obtain an understanding of the optimization of equipment maintenance schedules. Finally, a sensitivity analysis will be made on the equipment and maintenance costs. In the research, the design data and maintenance data will be used for testing.

KEYWORDS: Maintenance Scheduling; Optimization Solution; Linear Programming; Sensitivity Analysis