
The Risk Assessment of Dynamic Monitoring of Ground Activities and its Refinement by the Airport Tower -Gangshan ROCAFA , for example

Y. H. Ding, T. C. Lin, C. W. Wei, Z. H. Lin, X. F. Su and H. L. Wang

空軍官校 航空管理系






"Aviation Management " refers to assisting the aircraft's flight by the aviation traffic controllers from the ground and assisting the pilot to achieve the safety, speed, and order of all aircraft operations during the flight activities through rapid incident contact and handling. The "airport management" requires all aircraft activities on the airport's airside to be monitored by towers to ensure the regular operation of the airport. As aviation has become the primary method of communication in the world, the technology of aircraft has also improved. The flight mission must be carried out with considerable risks. The professionalism of the tower personnel will maintain the safety of traffic in each flight. In this research, we will use the literature to discuss and apply the concept of risk management to analyze the historical situation. Accident cases and understanding how to improve the risk assessment of airport ground activities related to airport runways have increased flight safety.

KEYWORDS: Airport Airside Activities; Dynamic Surveillance; Aviation Safety; Risk Analysis