
What Kind of Whirlwind Will be Blown When Subordinates Seeking Performance Encounter Discipline (Dominance) Supervisors? The Influences of Shang-Yan(Juan-Chiuan) Leadership on Emotional to performance.

T. K. Lee, W. C. Fei and C. W. Lee

國防大學 資源管理及決策研究所





Past research thought that authoritarian leadership is belong to the negative leadership behavior, this study period through Emotion Regulation Theory, analyze authoritarian leadership into two models: the Shang-Yan leadership with discipline-focused and the Juan-Chiuan leadership with dominance-focused, discusses the competent leadership behavior on subordinates' emotional regulation of deep performance strategy or surface mediating effect of performance strategies and task performance. In a sample of 484 subordinate from military in Taiwan, we found that :(1) Deep acting strategy had a mediating effect on the relationship between Shang-Yan leadership and task performance;(2) Surface acting strategy had a mediating effect on the leadership between Juan-Chiuan leadership and task performance. From the perspective of rational thinking, this study can provide leaders with two concepts of strict leadership and authoritarian leadership. Finally, we discuss the implications of the research findings, limitations, future research directions, and practice.

Keywords: Shang-Yan Leadership; Juan-Chiuan Leadership; Deep Acting Strategies; Surface Acting Strategies; Task Performance.