
Effectiveness and Problems for Bamboo-Cut Shaped Excavation and Well Foundation Construction Method

邱顯欽、 沈永年
Chiou Sheanchin and Y. N. Sheen 

國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系


台灣地形多坡地,橋梁定線規畫經過山坡地勢不可免,而橋墩基礎施工,必需克服地形限制,開設施工便道及便橋,始可到達工址位置。以傳統施工方式,需先於邊坡挖山填土構築便道,於基礎位置打設鋼版樁或型鋼樁為擋土支撐及施作地錨,方可開挖接續基礎施作。大區域開挖及填土對山區自然景觀造成衝擊,完工後地形地貌亦將改變,難以復原。 為克服此一困難,國內於桃園機場捷運青山段規劃設計時,首先引進日本開發之竹削工法,以降低山坡環境開挖衝擊,及增加施工方便及提高安全性。 南迴台9線改善C1標工程、南迴鐵路電氣化C712A工程,此兩標竹削井基工法規模及數量,皆為國內前茅。期間於陡邊坡上施工,遭遇工程障礙及困難甚多,經克服種種障礙後,累積出多年竹削井基施工經驗,欲將兩標之施工經驗進一步歸納整理研究探討,並將國內邊坡擋土工法優劣成效做歸類比較,可作為將來規劃設計及施工之參考。



Taiwan is a mountainous island, and the proposed highway routes require constructing bridges and tunnels for road safety to avoid terrain restrictions. Most of the construction sites for overpass foundations and piers are located in remote mountainous hillsides which make the access to those constructing sites difficult. Traditionally, it is necessary to excavate hillside and construct temporary roads and bridges to transport necessary construction materials and machines. Pile sheets and anchors are used as retain system to support against the mudslide before continuous pier foundations executions. Widespread hillside excavations and land reclamations impact the natural landscapes and destroy on topography after construction completion can never be recovered. The construction technology- the bamboo-cut shaped excavations and well foundations- for the construction project C1 of Highway Number 9 (the south-link highway), and electrification project C712A of the South-Link railway- are investigated in current study. The scales and the quantities of bamboo-cut shaped excavations of those two projects are huge so that current study summarizes the construction experiences and compares the pros and cons of domestic hillside retaining methods for further references in project planning and construction engineering designs.

Keywords: Bamboo-Cut Shaped Excavation; Well Foundations; Highway Number 9 (the south-link highway).