
Strategic Application of Sea-Air Joint Operation Mode

P. L. Liu, T. S. Liu and J. S. Jheng

國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系


工程專案規模日益龐大,參與者眾多且內容複雜,在協調工作上日益困難,因此可能導致專案進度的落後、成本浪費、品質不佳、施工性不良,從而影響到整體專案的績效。協調是工程成功的關鍵因子,惟工程專案之獨特性及工程專案人員的習慣,協調未有效規畫,往往忽略付出的時間與協調成本,成效也不如預期。以往工程專案圖文資料處理模式,多以 2D 圖檔的方式來呈現,加上資料格式的不一致,以致於常發生資料整合不易的問題。近年來建築資訊模型(Building Information Model)的快速發展,在工程專案協調與資訊整合上,提供一個更有效率的方法。因此,本研究之目的即在於應用 BIM工具,建立工程專案協調之模式,期望能有效規畫並改善以往工作協調不易的問題,以作為實務上工程專案協調規畫執行之參考。經本案例操作顯示,運用BIM工具在設計衝突檢核、工序衝突檢核與施工模擬上,確實能夠達成工序協調的密合度,並可有效規畫達到工程品質的控管,提升整體專案的績效。



As the scales of engineering projects are becoming more complicated, more units are participating in order to complete the projects in contract deadline which definitely cause the coordination among professional performances more difficult and time-consuming. As a result, the proposed schedule of overall project may seriously lag behind plans resulting in budget increase, poor quality in construction, as expected. Therefore, the project coordination is a key issue to the success of project completion with promised quality. Due to the uniqueness of each project requirements, and varieties of project participants' personal habits, lack or ignorance of project coordination will result in unexpected schedule lag and cost spending.
In the past, the graphics and text data processing modes of engineering projects were mostly presented in 2D graphic formats. In addition, the inconsistency of the data formats results in difficulties in data integration. In recent years, the rapid development of Building Information Model (BIM) has provided a more efficient method for project coordination and information integration. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to establish a BIM model for engineering project coordination.
It is expected that the use of BIM can provide a well-planed schedule and improve the efficiency of work coordination, and setup a reference to implement engineering project coordination practically. Through a case study, current research indicates that the use of BIM tools can provide a higher degree of coordination in resolving design/ operation process conflicts, and operation process simulation which effectively achieves overall project performance with better quality control monitoring.

Keywords: Building Information Modeling (BIM); Construction Coordination;. Construction Management;Conflict review