
Research on Evaluating the Feasibility of Online Teaching: The Perspective of Relationship Bonds

H. Y. Chen



今年2月武漢肺炎事件,因境外移入事件,造成全球恐慌,台灣也有群聚感染跡象。避免此事件蔓延,大學體系亦始規劃遠距教學的措施。為了提升師生間的學習及教學成效,必須考量老師與學生過往的感受與看法,這才能創造三方(人機平台-老師-學生)提升競爭優勢,達成教學成效的目標。   關係連結的概念非以短期徒發事件為基礎,是強調三方都會努力去建立,達到一種長期教學及師生互動的關係,只要一次做好,長期均可依此模式套用。準此,本文依關係連結模式為基礎並依質性研究(關鍵事件法)釐清師生過往在線上教學之經驗中,面臨的問題有哪些?再透過重要屬性分析分別對學生與老師兩種樣本進行問卷調查,釐清兩者差異為何?此結果應可做為學界在主題的探究與應用的參考。



The Wuhan pneumonia incident in February this year caused global panic due to the overseas migration incident, and Taiwan also showed signs of infection. In order to avoid the spread of this incident, the university system has also begun to plan measures for distance teaching. In order to improve the learning and teaching effectiveness between teachers and students, it is necessary to consider the past feelings and views of teachers and students, in order to create a tripartite (human-machine platform-teacher-student) to enhance the competitive advantage and achieve the goal of teaching effectiveness. The concept of relationship bonds is not based on short-term incidents. It emphasizes that all three parties will work hard to establish a long-term teaching and teacher-student interaction relationship. As long as it is done once, it can be applied in this mode for a long time. Based on the relational bonds model and based on the qualitative research (Key Event Method) to clarify the teachers and students ’previous online teaching experience, what are the problems? Conduct questionnaire surveys (important attribute analysis) on the two samples of students and teachers, to clarify the difference between the two? This result should be used as a reference for the academic research and application of this topic

Keywords: Distance On-Line Teaching; Important Attributes Analysis; Relationships Bonds