
A Study of Disaster Resilience Among Urban Infrastructure Based
on Cascading Effects

許智豪 、 鄧敏政
J. L. Cheng and C. C. Lin

國家災害防救科技中心 地震與人為災害組


都市在廣域災害下基礎設施 常 受到損壞, 並導致 都會機能受系統相互影響傳播而衝擊到正常的 運作,如維生、運輸機能、金融、疫病、及防救 災等面向,倘若設施失效除衝擊基本民生服務、 社會經 濟外,民心士氣也將受到影響 民眾信 心、國際形象 。基礎設施為都市機能的命脈、 支持各重要設施的核心業務,根據聯合國減災風 險辦公室 ( 於 2015 年 頒布 「 仙台減災綱 領 」 中,強調基礎設施韌性提升方案,藉解析設 施系統相互關聯、抑止影響傳播,來維持設施災 後持續運作功能;然現今國內對於基礎設施相互 影響傳播觀念較缺乏,因此本研究藉彙整國內外 廣域災害案例文獻,並以 2017 年 815 全臺大停 電為例,將災害衝擊傳播理論結合情境模擬,來 探討災害期間基礎設施相互影響性 電力、自來 水、醫療院所 )),與面臨的耐災韌性 危機。本研 究結果可以提供都市管理者作為災害管理與危 機處理之參考應用。

關鍵字:基礎設施 、 災害衝擊傳播 、 耐災韌性 。。


Infrastructure is defined as an aggregation of numerous facilities that constitute the backbone of urban operations. The wide area disaster event adversely affect infrastructure, severely impairing most urban functions. The Infrastructure have interdepende ncies; thus damage to one system can potentially cause a chain reaction, triggering failures in related and connected systems that then lead to a cascade of disasters or failures. Taiwan is located in natural disaster frequently occur. Therefore, understan ding the effects of wide area disaster on the infrastructure, as well as how those effects contribute to disaster scenarios in urban area, is a critical issue for the Taiwanese government. This study considered the direct damages and cascading effects to d evelop a method for impact chain assessment on infrastructure during disaster. Therefore, the result of this study assistant the authority to make an intelligent decision for infrastructure disaster or resource management.

Keywords: Infrastructure ; Cascad ing Effects ; Disaster Resilience