
The Effect of Speed Changing the Vehicle Center of Tilting on the Curve 

C. H. Liu and C. C. Lin

國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系


台灣東部地區地形蜿蜒曲折,鐵路的設置也多半因為地形關係而須建立多條彎道避開,此時如果能使用傾斜式列車運行,在過彎時就能用比非傾斜式列車更快的速度過彎,可大大縮短行駛時間,進而提升整體效益,而傾斜式列車目前被多國所採用,臺灣亦是,在臺鐵引進傾斜式列車並行駛沒多久後,2018年10月21日,位處宜蘭縣臺鐵新馬車站發生了嚴重的列車脫軌事件,而此事故主角正是傾斜式列車"普悠瑪號",而發生的主因為列車過彎時速度太快所導致翻車。 鑒於此次事故的發生,我們對於列車在彎道上真實的臨界車速產生了疑問,本文將研究傾斜式列車在指定彎道半徑下的臨界車速的差異,並且比較傾斜中心與重心兩者之間位置的變更對列車的臨界車速有何影響。



The purpose of this paper is research the effect of speed tilting train changing the center of tilting on the curve, because of Oct 21,2018 tilting train “puyuma’ derailment in Yilan, taiwan, in view of this accident, We question the speed of the real train, Current research on tilting train speed is focused on center of tilting(C.T.) is above the centerof gravity(C.G.), In this paper, we explore the possibility of (C.T) is under the (C.G.) and take the balanced moment to derive the curve speed, and analyze the change of formula parameters.

Keywords: Tilting Train; Curve Speed; Vehicle Center of Gravity Offset; Transportation Safety