
A Study on the Current Situations, Dilemmas and Feasible Countermeasures for the Prevention and Treatment of the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) 

1Y. R. Ko, 2C. C. Tsai, 3Y. C. Chang and 4H. C. Mon



2019年爆發全世界最大規模的傳染性疾病COVID-19(新型冠狀病毒),發源地為中國武漢,後蔓延到全中國、全世界,由於各國初期在面對防疫態度的輕忽,造成病毒擴散速度超乎想像,失控的疫情也像滾雪球般一發不可收拾。而我國在面臨疫情的初期,政府立即有相對應的政策,正是因為我國2003年曾歷經SARS(嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)的的疫情,因此我國在面臨此次的疫情上不敢輕忽,啟動國家衛生指揮中心,並指派指揮官協調地方(District)、地區(Reginal)及中央(Central)的指揮運作,進行一級開設,並結合民間企業力量,共同抵抗疫情,然而在抗疫的過程中有許多限制人民自由的規定是否有違反憲法第8條有關人身自由權之保障規範?是否具有適當的法源依據等,均值得討論,另外我國在防疫上又有哪些困境及對策? 國際上對我國又有哪些評價?兩岸包機回台及中美的政治緊張是否又對我國的兩岸局勢造成變動?國際面臨防疫上的作為及對我國防疫上的評價等這些議題在文中均有詳細的探討與論述。最後,本文提出可行之回應對策,俾供政府與民間團體、組織、個人參考之用。



In 2019, A new virus called coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaking began in Wuhan, China. The virus has started to infect millions of people globally and spread to the world. Due to the negligence of anti-epidemic attitudes in lots of countries, the virus spread rate is unexpectedly out-of-control. In the early stage of the epidemic in our country, our government immediately has adopted the best corresponding policies. Our prevention measures are effective because we had SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic experience in 2003. In the first stage, Our government has launched the National Health Command Center and has appointed Chen Shi-zhong as a top official commander in our Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) to coordinate and to command operations from Districts to Central. CECC reports the latest news and controls the infected cases. Under the first emergency class level, our government and private enterprises cooperate with each other together to combat and to fight the virus. However, are those restrictive measures to prohibit the freedom of the people in the process of anti-epidemic with the appropriate law principles? Do home isolation and quarantine measures violate the Constitution’s right to personal liberty? Are there any better countermeasures in epidemic prevention in our policy? How do other countries evaluate Taiwan’s prevention policies? What are the China and the United States attitudes toward Taiwan in this national political conflict and tension relationship? These topics are discussed details in the article. Finally, this paper has submitted several feasible suggestions to our government and society.

Keywords: Coronavirus Disease( COVID-19); Wuhan Pneumonia; Mask Real-Name System; Community Infection; Home Isolation; Home Quarantine