
Discussion of Building Damage Caused by Pintung
-Chaozhou Elevated Railway Line

P. H. Chen and C. C. Lin

國立高雄科技大學 土木工程系


因應政府目前所推動前瞻基礎建設計畫,目標於追求未來30年國家基礎建設設施,並著重於軌道建設,有鑑於目前所推動的鐵路高架化及都市鐵路地下化建設造成之施工鄰損,常因用地徵收不足及與鄰房過於接近,造成施工中鄰房受損,且危害住戶之安危,使得民怨累積進而造成抗爭行為。   基於過往都市發展集中於公共運輸系統,如火車站及捷運站周邊人口稠密、土地資源稀少、價格昂貴等特性,建築物經常朝向深層化及高層化發展,其鐵路沿線亦常緊鄰周邊鄰房,若鄰房為老舊房屋時,其基礎軟弱、結構強度不佳,此時施工廠商之施工技術就顯得異常重要,希望藉由此研究,期能改善施工鄰損鑑定期程,並於鄰損發生時降低民怨及社會成本。



In response to the government's current forward-looking infrastructure design drawings, the goal is to pursue national infrastructure facilities in the next 30 years and focus on track construction. Because of the construction building damage caused by the current elevated railway and urban railway underground construction, often Due to insufficient land acquisition and too close to the neighboring house, the neighboring house is damaged during construction, and the safety of the residents is endangered, which causes the accumulation of public grievances and causes resistance.
Since the urban development in the past is concentrated on public transportation systems, such as dense population, sparse land resources, and high prices around railway stations and MRT stations, buildings are often developed toward deep and high levels, and their railway lines are often close to neighboring neighbors. If the neighboring house is an old house, the foundation is weak and the structural strength is not good. At this time, the construction technology of the construction manufacturer becomes extremely important. I hope that through this study, the construction of the neighboring damage identification period can be improved and the neighboring house can be improved. Reduce public complaints and social costs when damage occurs

Keywords: Elevated Railway; Construction Adjacent Damage; Steel Sheet Pile