
Discussion on Reinforcement Method of Bridge Foundation Encountered Soil Liquefactionk

S .L. Chang and Y. N. Sheen






Taiwan situates at the junction of the Eurasian and the Philippine plate. Earthquakes are caused by plates squeeze and collide which accompanied with severe site displacement and surface vibration that causes disasters such as collapse of buildings, breakage of bridges and soil liquefaction. Nowadays, existing foundations of bridges are encounter problems such as structural aging and bridge safety not in consonance with the new seismic code requirements increasingly in Taiwan. Therefore, bridges’ repair and reinforcement work are necessary by improving safety and service life through proper maintenance management and manage national assets effectively.
Soil liquefaction is one of the important factors that cause damage of engineering structures such as bridge foundations in earthquakes. This study will introduce the causes of soil liquefaction, countermeasures and reinforcement methods for bridge foundation soil liquefaction. And introduce its achievements with actual domestic cases to provide references for all walks of life.

Keywords: Soil Liquefaction; Reinforcement Method; Bridge Foundation