
Statistical Analysis of Biochemical Test Factors of Diabetes with Different Variables of Subjects

H. Y. Chen, Y. C. Chang and J. N. Wei



根據我國衛生福利部近年的統計,台灣前十大死因中慢性病占大多數,在這些慢性疾病中又以糖尿病逐年快速上升,推估台灣糖尿病總人數應超過150 萬人。而我國中央健康保險署2017年的全民健康保險統計資料,一年花在糖尿病上的費用高達279億元,佔年度支出的5.72%。糖尿病患者的特徵是血糖長期處於標準值之上,而高血糖症若是不進行控制,會對人體各種器官造成損害繼而引發併發症危及生命。本研究為多項篩檢(Multiple screening),對象為台南市某醫院受檢者,探討糖尿病相關生化檢查因子;糖化血色素(A1c)、空腹血糖值(FPG)、口服葡萄糖耐量試驗兩小時後(OGTT 2hr)、空腹胰島素值(PI120),分別對「性別」、「年齡層」、「教育程度」、「職業」等基本資料的差異性分析,統計分析結果發現不同性別,除了PI120糖尿病生化檢查因子外等皆有顯著差異,而事後比較結果,皆顯示出女性大於男性;不同年齡層與糖尿病相關生化檢查因子等皆有顯著差異,而事後比較結果顯示老年及中年大於青年及壯年;不同教育程度與糖尿病相關生化檢查因子等皆有顯著差異,而事後比較結果顯示國中以下的教育程度大於其餘的的教育程度;不同職業類別, 除了PI120糖尿病生化檢查因子外等皆有顯著差異,而事後比較結果,大部分顯示農類別職業大於其餘的職業類別。



According to statistics from Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare in recent years, chronic diseases account for most of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan each year. Among these chronic diseases, the diabetes patients are rapidly increasing. It is estimated that the total population of diabetes in Taiwan may exceed 1.5 million. According to the 2017 National Health Insurance Statistics of Taiwan's Central Health Insurance Agency, the annual cost of diabetes is about 27.9 billion, accounting for as much as about 5.72% of annual expenditure. Diabetes patients are characterized by long-term high blood sugar levels. When hyperglycemia cannot be suppressed or controlled for a long time, it will cause various degrees of damage to organs of the patient, and may endangering life and health. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between diabetes and several variables of the patients. The research data sources are collected from a hospital in Tainan City. The research method involves multiple screening, exploring Diabetes-Related Biochemical Examination Factors including A1c、FPG、OGTT 2hr、and PI120, as well as differential analysis of variables such as "gender", "age group", "education level", and "occupation". The findings indicate significant differences among most of the variables. There are significant differences between the genders, except for the PI120 diabetes biochemical test factor. The Post hoc tests show larger significant difference of female variable than males. Moreover, different education levels have significant differences with diabetes-related biochemical test factors, and the Post hoc tests show that the education level below primary school is greater than the rest. In addition, occupational categories, except for the PI120 diabetes biochemical test factor, have significant differences. And the Post hoc tests show that most agricultural occupations are larger than the remaining occupational categories.

Keywords: Chronic Disease; Ddiabetes; Biochemical Test Factor