工作壓力與職場疲勞關聯性探討 -以南部某化工廠為例

Study on the Relevance of Work Stress and Occupational Burnout- Case Study of a Chemical Plant in Southern Taiwan

1Y. F. Yang and 2S. B. Yen

1偉旗生醫有限公司 產銷部
2嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系





The study was to investigate on the current situation and relationship between the work stress and occupational burnout of the employees. The design of cross-sectional study was applied to the collect the data by structured-questionnaire and to select the official employees of a chemical plant in southern Taiwan. The convenience sampling method was adopted by distributing 350 questionnaires and 280 effective questionnaires were collected which reached 80 % of the valid questionnaire recovery rate. The content of the questionnaires covered the basic information, stress scale, and occupational fatigue scale. All of the information and data collected were processed and analyzed by SPSS software tool. The results of the study showed there were statistically significant differences between work stress and different genders, educational levels, job titles, work shifts, average monthly salaries, daily sleep hours in average and possibility of employees’ injury at workplace first. Then there were significant differences between occupational burnout and genders, ages, educational levels, years of service, work shifts, average monthly salaries, daily sleep hours in average and possibility of employees’ injury at workplace. Finally, there is a positive correlation between work stress and occupational burnout and the work demand is the most important factors of occupational burnout.

Keywords: Chemical Plant; Work Stress; Occupational Burnout