摘要 「華為」資通事件,業已成為全球熱門之議題,全球各國因為資訊安全與5G網路未來之挑戰,各國有不同之意見與表態。然而我國面臨「華為」之問題,中央與地方機關之現況與困境為何?又有何種可行之解決對策?本文一共分成4大點來探討,首先探討各國現行之資通安全管理法制現況、我國公務機關資通安全管理之法制現況、我國公務機關資通安全管理機制之困境以及我國公務機關資通安全管理機制之可行回應對策,期待能為我國公務機關資通安全管理之機制,提出可行之方案與建議,藉以精進我國公務機關資通安全管理之量能。
關鍵字:資訊安全、陸資產品(華為手機)、國家安全、第五代行動通訊技術(5G)。 ABSTRACT The "Huawei" telecommunications equipment products have formed a global issue. Countries have different opinions and attitudes between their national security policy and the future challenges and commercial merits of 5G networks. However, what are the current situations and predicaments facing by the central and local authorities in dealing with the "Huawei" telecommunications equipment products in Taiwan? What are the suggested , feasible and nice solutions to this issue? This paper has listed four major points to discuss about this issue. Firstly, it discusses the current legislative policy of the national security in different countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan, China, South Korea and European Union of the world. Secondly, analyze the current status of our national security defense network in our central and local government. And what kinds of struggles and dilemmas facing by our government should be solved? Finally, this article suggested some feasible recommendations to solve this significant and complicated issue.
Keywords: Technology Security; Huawei Telecommunications Equipment; National Security; Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) |