
The Influence of Military Recruitment Activities on Willingness to Join Military: Cases from High School Students in Southern areas of Taiwan

H. H. Chuang, H. H. Liu, P. Lin, M. Y. Chen, K. T. Liu, S. M. Chao

1空軍軍官學校 航空管理學系
2空軍軍官學校 通識教育中心







In recent year, our Military Service System is changing. Recruiting volunteer- soldiers becomes an important mission, that impresses and makes the community willing to join. The National Army gives priority to recruiting people into the military. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between military recruitment activities and the willingness of the high school students from Southern Taiwan to join the military. The result can provide to Recruitment Department for promoting the effectiveness of recruiting. In this study, we use an online questionnaire which is sent by Google forms to the students who study in Southern Taiwan. It’s divided into two parts: Pretest questionnaire and Formal questionnaire. The Pretest received 90 responses. After the reliability and validity analysis, we deleted improper questions and issued the formal one. The formal questionnaire collected 127 responses carry on data processing by T-test through SPSS statistics. According to research result, military recruitment activity is impressive but people won’t join the military just because participate in it. The military must propose more incentive to recruit more people.

Keywords: Recruitment Activities; Willingness for the Army; High School Students