
The Application of System Dynamic to Analyze Supply Model on Common Clothing for Army

P. L. Liu, T. K. Lee and P. C. Hsieh

國防大學管理學院 資源管理及決策研究所


近年來,由於軍事科技進步及國防預算逐年刪減,國軍在過去幾年陸續經歷各項組織精簡工作。隨著整體兵力之調降,從事陸式通用服裝補給作業之人力亦相對有大幅裁減之狀況;但在服裝撥補需求方面並未減少,導致有補給人力供需失衡及服裝申訴案件上升之現象。 本研究以執行陸式通用服裝供補作業人員為研究對象,融合了供應鏈管理的理念與引進服裝供售站之模式,期能以系統動態學之視角,找出其中各關鍵變數之因果互動關係,從而建構本研究之動態量化模式,而能續以運用此模型進行相關政策之分析與模擬。文中將探討自不同政策(如:採購人員員額數、晉用率及人員提升率)分析對本研究欲探討之系統變化趨勢(如:申訴案件總數、補給工時供需比、採購工時供需比)之影響,並提供相關實務貢獻與管理意涵。 。



In recent years, due to the advancement of military science and the reduction of the national defense budget, the national army  has experienced various organizational streamlining work in the past few years. Because of the reduce of overall strength, the manpower of the common clothing replenishment operation for army has also been greatly reduced. However, there has not been a reduction in the demand for clothing replacement, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand of manpower and an increase in clothing appeals.

This study takes the manpower of the common clothing replenishment operation for army as the research object, and combines the concept of supply chain management with the introduction of R. O. C. Military Exchange Service. From the perspective of system dynamics, we can find the causal interaction of each key variable’s relationships, then constructing the dynamic quantification model of this study, and continue to use this model to analyze and simulate relevant policies. This research will discuss the systemic trends that are being explored from different policies (eg, number of procurement staff, promotion rate, and personnel upgradation rate) to trends(eg, total number of appeals, the ratio of replenishment working hours, the ratio of procurement working hours). Accordingly, further theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Keywords: Supply Chain; Manpower Supply and Demand; R. O. C. Military Exchange Service; System Dynamic