
A Preliminary Study on Personalities of Cadet, ROC Air Force Academy, for example

S. M. Laing, J. B. Wu, Y. J. Liao and H. L. Wang

空軍軍官學校 航空管理學系


飛行是異於人類正常移動方式的三度空間運動,必須全程嚴密管控環境的變化與複雜的操控系統,飛行員在一般的飛行過程中已承受相當的心智負荷,當緊急狀況產生時負荷更鉅,如不能適當的面對,則可能導致飛航事故;因此,探討空軍官校大學部大學部學生具備何種人格特質與空軍官校四年之教育是否能使學生的人格特質更趨向較適合飛行之人格特質,為本研究之主要目的。 本研究採取實體問卷發放填寫之方式,進而瞭解、研究空軍官校大學部學生隨著學年教育是否影響其人格特質。



Different than surface movement that most people are used to live, flying is a 3-dimensional maneuver that a cadet pilot has to suffer huge physical- mental pressures during flight training to get familiar with. The stress becomes even tremendous as he/ she encounters emergent situations in the sky alone, and any improper decision-making will lead to unrecoverable aircraft or human life loss. Current study is to classify and categorize the types of personal characteristics, either natural or educational, a cadet student of ROC Air Force Academy should possess by questionnaire survey through paper format interviews and internet surveys.

Keywords: Cadet Students; Personality