摘要 本研究以內政部警政署保安警察第六總隊擔任機關警衛任務之員警為研究對象,探討員警執勤的風險。首先經由文獻探討及「內政部警政署保安警察第六總隊執行警衛勤務彙編」(SOP)找出主要危險因子共50項(值勤前17項,值勤中32項,值勤後1項),再依據5M模式給予導因歸類,結果50項危險因子中屬於人員因素20項(無預警12項,有預警8項),屬於裝備因素6項,屬於環境因素6項,屬於管理因素13項,屬於任務因素5項。接著以作業風險管理整合軟體(ORMIT)做為分析工具,來評估保六員警執勤危險因子之風險等級,結果發現屬於高度風險(EH1~EH3)的項目共5項,包括:
(1) 無預警情資,狀況突然發生。 (2) 駐守機關毗鄰,相互支援不易,遇有重大陳抗勤務時,警力難以調度支援。 (3) 陳抗群眾無預警突擊闖入或佯裝洽公集結進入駐守機關,造成驚擾、危害狀況。 (4)警力與群眾不成比例,警力難以有效阻擋群眾入侵占據駐守機關。 (5)陳抗團體透過社群網站之臉書、line等通訊軟體聯絡,訊息掌握不易。完成危險識別、風險評估後,本研究進一步透過分析風險控制、風險控制決策、執行風險控制以及監督與檢討等步驟,找出具體改善對策,期能做為後續機關對於規劃勤務之參考。 關鍵字:風險、風險評估、作業風險管理、聚眾陳抗活動。 ABSTRACT In this study, focus on the Special Police sixth Headquarters to investigate the risk of police officers on duty. First, through the literature review and the “Operational Guide of the Special Police’s Sixth Headquaters”, we identified 50 major risk factors (17 before duty, 32 on duty, and 1 after duty). According to the 5M model, the cause of induction was classified. Among the 50 risk factors, 20 were personnel factors (12 without warning and 8 with early warning), belonging to 6 equipment factors, 6 environmental factors, and 13 management factors. It belongs to task factor 5. Then, ORMIT was used as an analysis tool to assess the risk level of the six-member police officers on duty risk factors. The results showed that there were five items of high risk (EH1~EH3), including:
(1) None Early warning of the situation, the situation suddenly occurred. (2) The garrison offices are adjacent to each other and it is difficult to provide mutual support. In the event of major anti-combat duties, it is difficult for the police to dispatch support. (3) Protest Activity against the masses entered the garrison without warning or sudden assaults, causing frightening and hazardous conditions. (4) The police force is not in proportion to the masses. It is difficult for the police to effectively block the invasion of the people and occupy the garrison. (5) The protest activity group communicates via the social network's Facebook, line and other communications software. After the completion of hazard identification and risk assessment, this study will further identify specific improvement measures by analyzing risk control, risk control decision-making, implementation of risk control, and supervision and review, and can serve as a reference for the follow-up authorities for planning services. Keywords: Operational Risk Management; Protest Activity; Risk; Risk Assessment |