
Utilizing Case-based Reasoning Method in Parameter Planning for Fused Deposition Modeling Process of 3D Printing

S. F. Wang and C. J. Yang

國立屏東科技大學 機械工程系


現今21世紀,人們都可以透過電腦軟體設計並且列印屬於自己的產品,主要是3D列印機有著低成本的優勢,且每個人都能擁有,而熔融沉積成型的3D列印機,由於價格低廉、易使用,成為了製造商最喜愛的類型之一。但是,在列印之前要確認許多的操作參數,而經驗不足的使用者往往無法列印出高品質的成品。因此透過Cura切片軟體協助使用者設置參數,但是也因為參數的設置都仰賴著切片軟體所建議最基本的參數設定,而這基本的功能卻阻止了人們學習3D列印上進階的設置。 因此,在本研究中,我們提出利用案例式推理方法,通過以前列印的經驗,讓使用者學習如何設置參數。最初,審查過往相似案例的列印經驗。然後,新的參數設置則透過修正規則微調先前的設定來完成,根據新的參數設置完成每次打印後,此新的設置會保存在案例庫以改進此系統。

關鍵字:3D列印、熔融沉積成型、Cura 3D切片軟體、案例式推理。


TIn the 21st century, people can design and print their own products through computer software. The main is that 3D printers with the advantage of affordable price and can be owned by everyone. The fused deposition molding 3D printers has become one of the manufacturers' favorite type because of low cost and usability. However, many operating parameters have to be confirmed before printing, and inexperienced users often cannot print high-quality finished products. Therefore, the Cura slicing software assists the user in setting parameters, but also because the parameter setting relies on the most basic parameter settings recommended by the slicing software, and this basic function prevents people from learning advanced settings for 3D printing. Therefore, in this study, we propose to utilize CBR methods to allow users to learn how to set parameters through previous printing experience. Initially, previous printing experiences of similar cases were reviewed. Then the new parameter setting was done by fine-tuning previous settings with the revise Rule. After finishing each printing according to the new parameter setting, this new setting was saved in the case base to improve this system.

Keywords: 3D Printing, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Case Based Reasoning, Cura 3D Printing Slicing Software