摘要 臺灣因位於全球地震最頻繁的環太平洋地震帶,又處於歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓板塊交會處及西太平洋颱風路徑首衝之區,故颱風、地震、山崩、土石流等天然災害容易發生,造成人員傷亡及財物損失。防災教育從小養成目的在於提昇孩童對災害的認識,長大後進而了解災前準備和緊急應變的重要,培養民眾具備良好的防災素養,強化抗災的能力,減少人民和社會的災害損失。本探討則以天然災害為探討主軸。利用問卷調查,探討高雄市三民東區小學教師對天然災害其「防災知識」、「防災態度」及「防災行為」之相關情形。
關鍵字:教師、天然災害、認知。 ABSTRACT Located in the western Pacific Ocean seismic belt and the intersection between the Eurasian and Philippine plates, Taiwan suffers huge human and property losses frequently caused by these natural disaster damages such as earthquakes, typhoons and landslides due to the heavy rainfall during monsoon season. Therefore, it is important to establish a correct perception on disaster recognition of those natural disasters from childhood education, and to educate a good pre-disaster preparation and emergency response program through prevention literacy. As a result, human live and property losses can be effectively reduced if the disaster perception of the elementary school teachers can be well strengthened to increase their abilities to execute disaster prevention procedures. Current study utilizes questionnaire survey to investigate the perception on natural disaster, the attitudes toward disaster prevention, and behavior following the disaster prevention programs of primary school teachers of Kaohsiung City’s Sanmin Ease District.
Keywords: Teacher; Natural Disasters; Disaster Prevention |