
A Study on the Implementation of Personal Safety Guard

Y. U. Huang1 and Y. M. Tang2

1銘傳大學 兩安關係與安全管理在職碩士班
2銘傳大學 社會與安全管理學系





Personal safety protects one of the private preservation types. Personal safety and security, and to carry out safe maintenance work on specific "people" or designated "premises", "vehicles" and "goods", so that protected "subject matter" is not subject to any form of infringement and harassment. Personal safety guard known as "personal bodyguard", called the current level of the highest level of security personnel in a class, the general business owners for personal safety requirements, need to have a military, police or national security background or Taekwondo, judo fitness coach, Martial arts teachers and other combat skills expertise. Not to mention the random murder case to do the discussion, the use of Clarke situational crime theory of the five levels as indicators, Assuming that there are five types of indicators such as "raising crime resistance", "raising crime risk", "reducing crime", "reducing crime" and "removing crime excuse", if there are cases that criminals may encounter, To explore the safety of personal safety guards engaged in personal care work, the possible attack on the injury or death caused by the results of their own cognitive and self-confidence can successfully complete the work of the characteristics; As well as personal safety guards in the protection of customer safety work in the process of how to use safety strategy to reduce the risk of injury.

Keywords: Crime History Analysis; Situational Crime Prevention Theory; Personal Safety Guard.