
Study on Risk Assessment of Campus Safety Management in Senior High School- Off-Campus Life Counseling Association The fourth partition as an example

Y. M. Tang1, J. Z. Weng2 and Z. Y. Hsieh1

1銘傳大學 社會與安全管理系
2銘傳大學 社會與安全管理系碩士在職專班


1999年「921集集大地震」由於受災地區學校受損嚴重,是促使台灣建立校園安全管理制度的重要關鍵。各教育行政單位及學校乃根據2000年頒布的「災害防救法」,陸續制定了校園災害管理實施計畫,明定減災、整備、應變及復原等階段具體作為及作業流程。2001年教育部並成立校園安全暨災害防救通報處理中心(簡稱校安中心),以期發揮早期預警、即時通報、資源整合及緊急應變等功能。制度固然建立,然而實際作業情形為何?卻較少看到具體的風險評估報告。有鑑於此,本研究乃以臺北市第四分區校外生活輔導會(八所學校高中)為研究範圍,設計問卷來探討高中(職)校園安全管理的風險問題,並運用作業風險管理整合軟體(ORMIT)為工具來進行風險評估及排序。在分析完182份有效問卷後,發現八大類校安事件的36個危險因子(hazards),屬於高風險的有濫用藥品與煙毒案件、校外車禍案件、校外人士侵入、校園設施被人為破壞、H1N1新型流感、校內發生幫派闖入,學生遭受到威脅等7項; 屬於中度風險的有學生不服管教、學校發生突發災害……等28項; 屬於低風險的有天然災害火災一項。本研究進一步再利用MOL、COM及專家訪談,提出降低這些校園安全高風險事件的具體改善建議。模擬執行結果發現,確實可以把原先整體校安事件處於中度風險狀態(平均風險指數12.06)降低至低度風險(平均風險指數2.56)。除ORMIT的量化研究成果外, 本文也提出校園危機管理等五點的質性研究建議。



In 1999, the "921 Set Earthquake" was an important key to the establishment of a campus safety management system in Taiwan due to the serious damage caused by schools in Nantou. The educational administrative units and schools have formulated the implementation plan of the campus disaster management in accordance with the Disaster Prevention Law promulgated in 2000, and formulated and implemented the specific stages of disaster reduction, regulation, contingency and rehabilitation. However, in 2001, the Ministry of Education set up a campus safety and disaster prevention and notification center (referred to as the school security center) in accordance with the Disaster Prevention Law, with a view to making early warning, instant notification, resource integration and emergency response. In view of this, this study intends to design the questionnaire and use the risk management integration software (ORMIT V.3.0) as the tool for risk assessment and sequencing in the fourth district off-campus life counseling association (eight school high schools) in Taipei The And then interviewed by experts, and then proposed to reduce these campus safety and high risk of specific projects to improve the proposal

Keywords: Operational Risk Management Integration Tools (ORMIT); Risk Assessment; School Security Center; Campus Security