
The study of Factory Fire Prevention and Control of a Factory with Risk Management

J. E. Li, F. Y. Wu andC. P. Chiang

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


台灣是個工業化發展相當高的國家。然而我們在享受工業化帶來繁榮與進步的同時,也必須思考現在的生活到底是建立在多少工人、職員的努力之上。 從工業火災來看,不論是高科技產業或是傳統產業,同樣類型的火災一再發生的情況是很常見的。 在台灣工業災害歷程上,每當發生了對社會產生深刻影響的重大災害時,企業才會開始從中學習,把災害造成的教訓及經驗應用到企業內部各個方面。 因此,我希望可以藉由風險管理的方法來尋找工業火災的發生原因及並探討工業火災的改善途徑。



Taiwan is a country with a very high industrial development.While we enjoy the prosperity and progress of industrialization, we must also think about the Safety of people who work these. From the fire point of view, whether it is high-tech industry or traditional industries, the same type of fire again and again the situation is very common. In the history of Taiwan industrial disaster, enterprises always learned major disasters had a profound impact on society. This study is trying to find the causes of industrial fires and to prevent the fire damage.

Keywords: Fire Point; Risk Management; Improve