職業安全衛生管理系統ISO 45001草案版與OHSAS 18001差異探討

The Deference Between Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO/DIS 45001 and OHSAS 18001

C. S. Chen1 and S. B. Yen2

1嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系產業安全衛生與防災碩士班
2嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系


職業安全衛生管理系統OHSAS 18001自從1999年發布以來經過了十幾年之久,新版的職業安全衛生管理系統ISO 45001即將在今年底或明年初發佈,OHSAS 18001即將漂亮轉身為國際標準,屆時將會掀起一波驗證潮。而企業最關注於新版管理系統與舊有的管理系統有何差別,因此本研究將兩大系統做比較,供企業在推行管理系統時,先了解新版管理系統內涵,評估推行上有何困難性。比較結果得知兩者系統的內涵比較最大差別性在於,草案版ISO 45001以高階架構訂定,指企業推行管理系統時,應由最高管理階層代表來推動,不像以往OHSAS 18001:2007只是指定某個代表來管理而已;新管理系統必須先瞭解組織背景議題與利害相關者的需求,這與OHSAS 18001:2007直接進行風險評估是截然不同的差別。此外,高階主管也必須確保建立員工的諮詢與參與,員工層級將會拉高許多。ISO 45001的幾項重大變更,對於企業未來推行管理系統時,將會是一項大挑戰。

關鍵字:職業安全衛生管理系統、OHSAS 18001、ISO 45001。


Occupational safety and health management system OHSAS 18001 issued passed through for several years since 1999, and the new occupational safety and health management system ISO 45001 will release in the end of this year or the next year. OHSAS 18001 is going to attractively transfer into the international standard, at the appointed time, it will set off a wave of verification, and the enterprises will pay attention to the difference between the new management system and the old one. Therefore, this research compared the new management system with the old one, and provided the enterprises understanding the connotation of new management system at first and evaluating the difficulties on implementation. The main difference is the draft international standard ISO 45001 follows high level structure, and when implementing new management system, it should be promoted by the top management representative rather than the designated one. The new management system must first find out the issues of organizational background and relationship needs instead of risk assessment. In addition, senior supervisor must also ensure the consultation and participation of employees and it will lead to raise the status of employees. These major changes of ISO 45001 will be a big challenge when the enterprises implement the new management system in the future.

Keywords: Occupational Health and Safety Management System; ISO 45001; OHSAS 18001