摘要 科技日新月異,現今民眾生活於機能發達複合的環境中,也因集合住宅人口載量較大,導致現行災難的發生不僅只有單一特性,常伴隨複雜且難以解決之狀況,若民眾逃生避難觀念不確實,災難將會擴大;集合住宅災害因子為地震及火災,而又以火災為主要造成人命傷亡的主要因素;基於此,應當以過去住宅發生災害作為借鏡,探討如何減少危害,需要各界集思廣益,訂定更符合民眾需求的防災對策,落實防災觀念,有效將災難的傷害降低,而探討之結果也可供日後為參考依據。
關鍵字:集合住宅、逃生避難、防災對策。 ABSTRACT As the advanced technology and innovation on creating a better resident living environment, massive population nowadays have live in condominium housing. At the same time, the occurrence of complex disasters- such as earthquakes and fire, on those condos will lead to enormous causalities if the residence lack of proper evacuation drills or concepts. Current study is to analyze the impact of those fatal factors, particularly the fire and smoke, on the evacuation plans so the residence can practice effectively to avoid the damages to the life and property losses.
Keywords: Condominium Housing, Disaster Prevention Strategy, Evacuations |