摘要 台灣經濟發展快速,國人消費型態改變,傳統市場已無法滿足現代人購物需求,因而量販店紛紛設立,其能容納大量的來客數,格局也常因多元販售而複雜,可惜的是國人防災觀念尚未深植,災害發生時容易反應不及,有鑑於此,建立避難逃生的觀念刻不容緩;因此本研究希望藉由國內實際案例之調查,分析人員於量販店內避難時之避難逃生行為,並配合實際案例之逃生演練與避難評估計算,以探討相關數據所呈現的議題,以期作為日後避難逃生之參考依據。
關鍵字:量販店、避難逃生。 ABSTRACT Due to the economic growth in the past four decades, the consuming patters of Taiwanese had shifted from traditional street-corner retail stores into wholesale supermarkets to meet daily requirements for living. However, those supermarkets are so spacious that customers are unable to react in time, and become vulnerable to public disasters because lack of evacuating concepts. Through case study, this study is to analyze evacuating behaviors, assess escape patterns, and calculate the relevant data of customers in a supermarket during fire drill, and hopefully, to provide a model for future investigation.
Keywords: Wholesale Supermarkets; Escape |