
Discussion on the Current Situation of National Defense Communication System Using Disaster Relief

L. C. Kang1 and Y. M. Tang2



  臺灣地區地理環境特殊,每年面對許多天然災害的侵襲,再加上近年來人禍不斷,從1999年「921大地震」、2009年「八八水災」、2014年「捷運殺人」重大治安事件、2015年「八仙樂園粉塵爆炸」等災例發現,每當災難發生時,常因「通訊」中斷的緣故,造成災情資訊無法即時傳遞,國內雖有緊急事件通報機制,卻因各單位「防救災通訊系統」規格迥異,往往未能即時整合及互通,而錯失搶救先機。 有鑑於此,研究者除藉由美、日、中等國家對於防災專責機構設置、緊急通訊系統建置與運用情形,進行探討外,並試著借鏡他人的成功經驗,提出我國要如何建立一套全國性的「防救災通訊系統」的建議,包括:成立防災通訊專責機構、建立「指揮一元化」及「通報多元化」的全國性高抗災資訊平台、並充分結合各項智慧科技產品和即時通訊軟體等等。唯有如此,才能有效改善前述緊急通訊系統的缺失。



Taiwan special geographical environment, many natural disasters every year in the face invasion, coupled with man-made disasters in recent years continued, from 1999 "921 earthquake" in 2009, "Morakot" 2014 "MRT murder" major security incidents 2015 "Eight Immortals Paradise dust explosions" and other disaster cases found that whenever a disaster occurs, often due to "communication" interrupted, they have caused the disaster information not readily transfer, although there are emergency notification mechanism, because the units' anti relief communication system "different specifications, often fail to integrate and communicate with each other instantly, rescue and missed opportunities. In view of this, in addition to the researchers by the United States, Japan, medium-sized countries for disaster prevention and dedicated institutional setting, emergency communications system build and use cases to explore outside, and try to learn from the successful experience of others, how to raise our country to establish a national the recommendations of the "disaster prevention and rescue communication system", including: the establishment of disaster prevention communication dedicated agency, create a "unified command" and "diversified communications" high national disaster information platform, and fully integrate the wisdom of technology products and instant messaging software and many more. The only way to effectively improve the previous lack of an emergency communication system.

Keywords: Disaster Prevention and Rescue communications systems, disaster; disaster information; the notification mechanism; emergency communications