
The Application of Attack Helicopters in Taiwan under Mainland Operation Circumstances - Take AH-64D/AH-1W for Example

C. S. Feng

中華科技大學 航空機械系


  攻擊直升機是配備了進攻性武器的軍用直升機,主要的攻擊目標是地面步兵 、建築、裝甲車輛 ,同時有許多種攻擊直升機也可以配備空對空飛彈,並配合地面部隊實行地空聯合作戰。事實上,台灣近幾年應用攻擊直升機主要是配合地面部隊進行近距離空中支援與摧毀破壞敵軍的裝甲,因此應用攻擊直升機可以因應台灣這種海島地形進行反登陸作戰。
四、了解攻擊直升機的作戰實力 五



  Taiwan’s national defense strategy is effective deterrence and tenacious defense , the supreme principle of national defense is a defensive, it’s not only preparing for war but also unafraid of engaging in war . In this circumstances, if it didn't change for the traditional ground combat and defensive, that will become a very dangerous issue for the Army of Republic of China.
  Attack helicopters are those military helicopters which equipped with offensive weapons, the main targets of attack operations are the ground infantry, buildings , armored vehicles , and many of them also equipped with air-to-air missile , combined ground forces to carry out the joint air-ground operations. In fact, the main application of Taiwan Army is using attack helicopters to conduct closure air support with ground forces and carried out the destruction in enemy armor in recently years. So, it does work to use attack helicopters to conduct anti-landing operations on the terrain of Taiwan island.
  Under the situation of the China have significantly improved the quality and quantity of his Air Force, Taiwan must be enhancing the air superiority from the qualitative aspects in order to achieve the success in the island-type operation and defense. Island country surrounded by the sea and take advantages of defensive combat, but the disadvantage is shortage of the depth, in other words, if the enemy can not be destroyed by the first line of forces in beach, it is easy for enemy to drive straight into our political and financial center. Thus, the attack helicopters will be the most important part of the battle on the development of the air force in Taiwan, so, it is worthy investment projects and important of research and development. Therefore, this research hopes to achieve the following objectives as follows:
First, discussion of attack helicopters in response to patterns of ground combat .
Second, investigate the origin and evolution of attack helicopters.
Third, understand the military attack helicopters equipments .
Fourth, understand the attack helicopter combat capability.
Fifth, the research results could provide a reference of attack helicopters on following purchasing decisions.

Keywords: Air Land Joint Operation; Littoral Combat; Anti Landing Operation