摘要 航空器因人類的需求不斷的進化,要求航空器更快的速度、更高的高度、更遠的航程、更大的載運量,伴隨著需求科技不斷的提升,材料的研發,飛機系統不斷的精進,也同時增加飛行員在操作上的細膩度。根據美國NTSB對飛航事故發生的原因(Causes/factors)概分為與人相關、與環境相關及與航空器相關三大類,依我國飛航安全調查委員會近十年民用航空運輸業飛機飛航事故原因分類中,與人相關之飛航事故所佔比例最高54.7%[05],所以現代的航電系統將人因工程導入,整合飛行員在座艙內相關的飛行操作。
本研究探討數位化後的航電系統與類比式的航電系統對飛行員的操作影響,針對飛行訓練、模擬器的驗證來做採樣與分析,以某直升機基地之AH-64E與AH-1W直升機裝備系統為研究對象,有效的採樣數據中,發現數位化儀表較類比式儀表在遭遇緊急狀況時能縮短飛行員的反應增加應變處置時間,可見數位化的座艙儀表能減低飛行員的緊急狀況的處置壓力,進而提高飛航安全。 關鍵字:數位化儀表、類比式儀表、狀況處置、人因工程。 ABSTRACT Due to the public demand, the aviation industry is constantly evolving. The demand for traveling faster, higher altitude and more capacity is now on the rise. With the improvement of technology and the research and development of materials, the systems of the aviation not only continue to improve but also increase the complexity of operation.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board of USA, the causes/factors of accidents can be divided into three categories: human, environment and aviation itself. In recent decades, the National Transportation Safety Board of Taiwan has found that the causes/factors of the accidents by human is the highest of 54.7%, so nowadays the avionics system is integrated into the cockpit by ergonomics engineering. This paper intends to discuss the effects to the pilots between the digitalized and analogized avionics. By sampling the flight training and the simulator of the AH-64E and AH-1W helicopter, the digitalized instrument can reduce more of the pilot’s response time than the analogized one. The digitalized cockpit can also reduce the stress of the pilots when dealing with the situation coming from the emergency and help improve the flight safety. Keywords: Ergonomics; Digitalized Instrument; Analogized Instrument; Situation Handling |