
Application of Quantification Method on Decision
- Analysis of Stress on Social Worker as an Example

K. M. Wang1, C. C. Kwong2 and S. Y. Yang1

1實踐大學 資訊管理學系
2台北大學企業管理學系 企業管理系


  我國醫務社會工作人員所涉工作範圍甚廣、程度極深,又極度繁複,須以異於常人之毅力與自我調適力完成工作任務,其壓力與待遇並未受到政府與社會的相對性重視。社工同仁之壓力源常來自於工作本身、接觸環境與個人感受等,雖有相關議題之分析討論,但鮮少以量化模型加以研析。本研究主要目的即以台灣南部某大型醫院為主,針對社工同仁之壓力因素與工作任務進行系統化、建立模型並量化分析。壓力因素:壓力源為工作、角色、人際、組織、職涯與家庭;工作任務:分為保護類、弱勢類、身障類與長期照護類等四種。主要使用方法為層級分析程序法(Analytic Hierarchical Process;AHP)與品質機能展開法(Quality function Deployment;QFD)進行壓力因素權重排序以及紓解壓力之相對性方法。本研究以量化方法提出科學論證之數據分析社工之壓力,其貢獻除了可提供主管單位作為工作人力分配、待遇區分之外,並可提供政府與社會相關單位在釐定/修訂相關社工領域之政策與立法議題上之決策參據。



The medical social workers in Taiwan have engaged a variety of aspect and complexity in their daily job. This stressful work is without the equivalent reward in return in terms of the payment and deserved social position. The origin of stress is from the work itself, the social environment and the personal response from the object they engaged. Although there were studies on the stress of social worker in Taiwan, none of them were in a way of analytical and quantification perspective. This study is to use analytical methods to quantify the stress of social worker in terms of the stress factors as well as the tasks from work. The collected data is from a hospital we cooperate with. The analytical model includes AHP and QFD that using AHP for analyzing the rank of stress factors and using QFD for offering the suitable method to compensate the stress. Contribution of this study is to provide a scientific information for the government who are in charge of medical worker policy for policy innovation.

Keywords: Medical Social Worker; Stress Origin; AHP; QFD