
The Causes of Occupational Accidents in the Construction Industry and Improve Discussion

Y. L. Chen and S. R. Chen

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


本研究使用民國97年至民國103年之營造業重大職業災害案例探討我國職災發生之原因。營造業在歷年來發生災害次數均高於其他行業,雖然我國積極的推動政策降低職災發生率,但卻相比其他國家高出許多。 本研究收集近年來資料進行分析,經過柏拉圖分析發現,所有災害類型裡墜落事件占了657件(佔63%)、物體倒崩塌98件(佔9%)、感電事件則有51件(佔8%)。高於其他災害類型。接著,以此三種重大職災害類型的發生原因利用特性要因圖加以歸納分析,並提出改善建議。此外,根據研究結果及建議墜落事件是最為優先處裡的事件,特性要因圖則發現制度層面是政府與業者必須檢討及嚴格監督的事項。



This study is investigate case to crate a major occupational hazard industry at AD2008 to 2013. The Construction industry over the years in the number of disaster occurs were higher than other industries, Although our country actively to promote policies to reduce the incidence of occupational accidents. But much higher compared to other countries. The study to analyze data collected in recent years, use Plato found, All types of disasters in fall events accounted for 657 (63 per cent), objects collapsed 98 (9%), the sense of power, there are 51 events (8%). Higher than other types of disasters.As the three major functional types of disasters occur because of the use of Cause & Effect Diagram and Inductive analysis, and recommendations for improvement. Based on the findings and recommendations at the fall events is the highest priority in the event, Cause & Effect Diagram was found to be characteristic of the institutional level is a matter for the government and the industry must review and strict supervision.

Keywords: Seven Basic Tools of Quality; Construction Industry; Occupational Hazards