摘要 台灣在2009年八八水災之後國軍已將災害防救列為中心任務。政策要求,在重大災害發生前必須完成「超前部署、預置兵力、隨時防救」等作為,以全力投入救災工作。本文經文獻探討並根據災害管理,減災、整備、應變、復原等四階段理論架構,辨識出近年來國軍在執行重大災害防救過程中,上述四階段所存在的主要危險因子(共計49項),並依5M模式(人員、機械、環境、管理、任務) 將49項危險因子的主要導因給予歸類。接著本研究利用問卷調查法就這49項危險因子實施風險評估調查,結果並輸入作業風險管理整合軟體(ORMIT),進行風險高低排序。針對找到的風險項目,再利用ORMIT的風險控制主選單(MOL),及風險控制選擇矩陣(COM)兩項工具,找到可以排除或降低這些風險因子的方法,最後再透過專家訪談,並利用ORMIT的決策工具,模擬實際執行改善對策後的情況。結果發現國軍救災之預期風險可以從高度7級明顯降低至低度風險18級,成效顯著。
關鍵字:災害防救、作業風險管理、風險評估。 ABSTRACT The armed forces face possible dangers and risks when assisting disaster relief. These risks are mitigated through the application of the Operational Risk Management (ORM), which consists of six steps: identify the hazard, assess the risks, analyze risk control measure, make control decisions, implement risk controls, and supervise & review. In the process surveys and the ORMIT program are also used to assess the risk level, simulate the real situation, and calculate the expected and the real average risk rating (ARR). An overall review of the results showed that after the application of these measures, risk in disaster relief decreased significantly with the original average risk rating reduce from H-7 to L-18.
Keywords: Disaster Rescue; Operational Risk Management; Risk Assessment |