摘要 現代資訊科技運用普及與網際網路的蓬勃發展,使資訊與通訊科技應用成為每個人日常生活中的一部份,並改變了人類生活模式,然令人擔憂的是資訊科技帶來的資通訊安全問題,在數位經濟時代,重要資通訊設施一旦遭受破壞,勢將影響經濟、民生及整體政府運作,促使資通訊安全議題成為各國關注的焦點。網際網路為人類帶來便利與快捷,然而伴隨網路普及化,引發的網路犯罪及個資保護等課題,已逐漸成為影響國家安全、社會安定的隱憂,全球正面臨嚴峻的資安威脅,資訊安全風險管理與電腦緊急應變儼然已成為落實網路安全的關鍵議題。
關鍵字:網際網路、資訊安全、通訊科技、電腦緊急應變、風險管理。 ABSTRACT The usage of information technology and the booming popularity of Internet, making information and communication technology applications have changed the pattern of human life. If the important information and communication facilities once destroyed, is bound to affect the economy and people's livelihood and the overall operation of the government. To promote information and communication security issues become the focus of national security. Internet crime and triggered a capital protection issues, has become affect national security, social stability and worries, the world is facing a serious threat to information security. Information security risk management and computer emergency response become the key issue in the implementation of network security.
Keywords: Internet; Information Security; Communications Technology; Computer Emergency Response; Crisis Management. |