
The Key Evaluation to the Cockpit Resource Management Taining

S. Y. Liu and H. C. Tang

高雄應用科技大學 工業及工程管理系


  飛安事故發生原因主要是人為因素、機械因素或其他環境因素等,近年來直升機飛安事故不斷頻傳,引起國人高度之重視,飛行安全管理已逐漸受到國人重視。研究對象為軍民航直升機單位所屬飛行人員,應用模糊德菲法(FDM)透過專家學者意見之蒐集與彙整,探討狀況警覺、領導統御、工作負荷管理、溝通能力等四個因素構面,歸納影響飛行座艙資源協調作法關鍵要素,篩選出關鍵之評量指標。進而應用模糊層級分析法(FAHP)建構飛行組員飛行座艙資源管理之評估架構,並計算出各績效評估項目之權重值。 研究結果顯示,飛行教官最重視的關鍵要素為「相互監督」、「主動示警」、「交互檢查」、「溝通技巧」。因此,飛航組員飛行時須注意機組員之間相互合作協調,組員間是否能確實互相合作與監督是最重要的,同時亦發現各組員實施交互檢查發現外(內)界發生異常時,是否能透過良好溝通技巧,主動示警讓其他組員知悉異常狀況。研究對象為直升機單位所屬飛行人員,應用模糊德菲法(FDM)透過專家學者意見之蒐集與彙整,探討狀況警覺、領導統御、工作負荷管理、溝通等四個因素構面,歸納影響飛行座艙資源協調作法關鍵要素,篩選出關鍵之評量指標。進而應用模糊層級分析法(FAHP)建構飛行座艙資源管理之評估架構,並計算出各績效評估項目之權重值。最後再將分析結果與現行座艙資源協調制度做一比較,並提出各項建議,以提供決策者在制訂、修訂及實施飛行績效評估時之參考,回饋飛安部門發展管控作為,進而增進飛行安全,以期降低人為操作失誤及飛航事故發生。



Most of flight-safety accidents were caused by human, mechanical or environmental factors. In Taiwan, there are many accident happened in recently years. People pay more attention to the flight-safety. The flight-safety management became an important issue in our Taiwan’s Aviation.
This work presents an evaluation process based on the crew resource management to find the key factors to ensure the flight-safety. In this work, the organization management is combined in the evaluation process to enhance the flight-safety. In the first, we conclude the more important issues about the human factors based on the related works. There are four dimensions which are situational awareness; leadership; workload management and communication competence will be considered in this work. Second, the fuzzy Delphi method is applied to the expertise in this work to confirm which factors will be more important. Finally, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is adopted to find the critical succeeds factors in the flight-safety. In the work, there are fourteen factors in four dimensions of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process questionnaire.

In this work, we found that 「mutual supervision」; 「active alert」; 「interaction survey」、「communication skills」 are the four key factors of fourteen factors. Especially the mutual supervision is the most significant factors to flight-safety of these factors. It shows that the flight-safety is ensured by the members’ mutual supervision and cooperation. So it is have to pay more attention and increase more flight training about the mutual supervision in Taiwan’s aviation.

Keywords: Flight-Safety Accidents; CRM; FDM; FAHP