
A Research of Important Factors Evaluation on Playing Space of Nursery School via New Courses Guideline Viewpoint

T. C. Huang and J. Y. Chiang

經國管理暨健康學院 健康產業管理研究所


  由於2012年是幼教重大改革的歷史時代,除了通過兒童教育及照顧法以立法保障幼兒權益為主之外,更重要經歷多時的幼兒園新課程大綱六大領域也逐漸完整出爐,得以幼兒經驗能力的需求概念與學習指標結合,達到幼兒潛能開發及具備安全學習的戶外遊戲空間。因此本研究探討的問題有三:(1) 探討幼兒園教師對戶外遊戲空間與六大領域的關係?(2) 瞭解幼兒園教師對於六大領域在戶外遊戲空間的重要性認知為何?(3) 瞭解戶外遊戲空間是否支持教師在課程大綱六大領域教學的需求?本研究擬以幼兒園為研究對象,主要探討戶外遊戲空間與課程大綱六大領域的考量因素作相關的比較。本研究第一階段以幼兒園負責人為主要對象,共發出50份問卷,回收42份,進行一致性分析後,萃取出16份有效問卷,回收率為84%,有效率為32%,以AHP分析所得結論之重要性為:身體動作領域、情緒領域、社會領域、語文領域、美感領域、認知領域排列。第二階段再以深度訪談法訪問六位教師、園主任更深入驗證各國小附設幼兒園戶外遊戲空間與課程綱要六大領域的看法,之後彙整得到下列結論:(1) 新課綱六大領域中,以身體動作領域與戶外遊戲空間表現最明顯。(2) 教師的年資、兼任行政、學校所在行政區、教師學歷、班級數、班級人數、教師研習經驗等背景均會影響課程大綱六大領域的重要性。(3) 戶外遊戲空間與課程大綱六大領域環環相扣,當老師設計活動時可依實際需求、加強其領域之重要性,也協助教師應著重哪些因素做為參考依據。



 This study attempted to understand the relationship between the considerations for the outdoor playing spaces in nursery schools and the six areas of curriculum guidelines (SACG) in the new nursery school curriculum guidelines for the affiliated nursery school of elementary school in Keelung city. Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a case study issued a total of 50 questionnaires, and total feedback was 42. Finally, we adopted 16 valid questionnaires, the returned rate is 84%, and the effective rate 32%. In-depth interviews were used to collect data after analysis. We uses in-depth interview with six teachers, and a director of nursery school. This study found the following conclusions:(1) The body movements and outdoor playing space were the most significant factors of all. (2) The experience years of teachers, administrative concurrently or not, the number of classes, the population of a class, on-the-job training program, the teachers’ education, and the location have significant influence on SACG. (3) The nursery school outdoor playing space and SACG were closely connected and inseparable. Based on the study outcomes, some suggestions were proposed to the education authorities, and the teachers of nursery schools. Moreover, we hope to contribute to the development of nursery school education in the future.

Keywords: Outdoor Playing Space; Nursery School; New Curriculum Guidelines; AHP