危機管理發展評析一: 危機階段論

Analysis of the Evolution of Crisis Management-Discusses of Crisis Stages

H. L. Wang1 and Y. M. Tang2

1空軍軍官學校 航空管理系
2銘傳大學 社會與安全管理學系


  組織發生災難時,如果有系統性的緊急應變程序對危機有一整套早已預擬的措施方案,就可以協助組織克服那些預料不到的意外,在面對最糟的狀況也能做好萬全準備並能從容地處理每個危機(Mitroff and Pearson 1993)。 危機包括兩種意義,是危險,也是轉機。同時,管理和處理也有不同層次的意義,較為宏觀的「管理」涉及事前防範未然;事發處置得宜;事後累積經驗與學習等不同階段的運作。而「處理」是指狀況發生時,針對不同的方法、策略的選擇與執行。危機管理模式機制,須於事前建立,以補強風險管理機制之不足。於遇見問題時,才不至慌亂失措。 本文將危機進行分類,再據以提出具體之對應策略,讓組織在預防、準備、實施、學習這四個基本要素上建立觀念,進而改善危機預防及處理能力。



  If there is not a set of emergency countermeasures which is prepared for an organization, it couldn’t be possibly to show the capability to cope with those unexpected situations. However, if it is well-prepared in advance, then the subsequent results will be totally different, even if the worst scenario suddently happened (Mitroff and Person 1993). The word “Crisis” implies two opposite meanings, one is “danger” and the other is “turning point.” In the same time, manage and handle stand for different meanings, “manage” tends to be macro one which prevented incident before taking place; well coped with incident when it taking place; and accumulated experiences and learned to operate at different stages. In another words, “handle” stands for when situation broke out, select and implement those specific methods and strategies. The mechanism of crisis management model should be established in advance in order to reinforce its discrepancy of itself. Thus, the organization won’t panic when problem merge. This study tried to classify crisis in order to generate physical strategy of countermeasures. In another words, the organization can be established concepts based on prevention, readiness, implementation, and learning stages in order to improve crisis prevention and handling capabilities.

Keywords: Crisis Management; Crisis Classification; Crisis Stages