
The Preliminary Study of Promoting Motivation of Employee Involvement in Safety Via Persuasive Technology

S. R. Cian1 and S. B. Yen2

1嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系產業安全衛生與防災碩士班
2嘉南藥理大學 職業安全衛生系


  每當組織或企業面臨提升安全績效或降低職災率的考驗時,通常會選擇工程改善、教育訓練和紀律執行這三種策略作為工安改善方法,但沒有考慮到人性的因素,造成花費大量經費與人力卻沒有改變員工的不安全行為,也或許是人的觀念不容易被影響,而導致長期被忽略;如何有效提升員工參與安全衛生,將會是很重要的議題。為有效提升員工安全參與,本研究運用Fogg所提出的說服科技(Persuasive Technology)之方法,以行為模型(Fogg Behavior Model, FBM)中動機說服要素的項目,協助員工安全參與行為之動機劃分,依據員工對於安全衛生行為的熟悉程度,收集彙整相關的改善策略,建置員工安全參與動機策略矩陣,提供企業和組織做為促進員工安全參與動機之策略及建議。



  When organizations and enterprises face to improve safety performance or reduce frequency of occupational accidents, they usually adopt engineering improvement, education and enforcement, excluding human factor. It causes enterprises to spend a lot of funds and manpower, but not to modify unsafe behavior of employees. Perhaps human concept being not easily affected leads itself to be ignored. How to effectively enhance safety and health participation of employees will be very important issues. To effectively enhance safety involvement of employees, this paper referred to the behavior model and behavior wizard of Fogg’s persuasive technology and proposed the motive strategy matrix of employee involvement in safety. It provides organizations and enterprises with strategies and recommendations to promote motivation of employee involvement in safety.

Keywords: Persuasive Technology; Safety Involvement; Strategy Matrix