
Decline Rate of the Smoke Layer in Building Compartments by Hot Smoke Test Methods

C. H. Su1, Y. L. Chen2, Y. L. Pan2 and W. J. Li3

1國立高雄第一科技大學 環境與安全衛生工程系
2吳鳳科技大學 消防研究所
3吳鳳科技大學 光機電暨材料研究所


  火場中濃煙為人員致命的重要因素之一,因此建築物排煙系統扮演重要的維生角色。排煙系統之有效性將十分重要。國際間常見以全尺度熱煙測試進行排煙系統效能的分析。測試過程中,熱煙煙層下降速率快慢為主要的判斷關鍵因素之一。本研究參考澳洲標準AS 4391-1999熱煙測試方式,以實驗室固定的空間體積、固定監測點位置,於煙霧室中進行不同釋放壓力與不同火源大小等數種放煙模式。過程由「煙能見度量測儀」記錄量測值,採用Lambert-Beer定律,以平行單色可見光的衰減原理,作為濃煙分布的定量化量測,據以比較二種不同釋放壓力的發煙量以及二種不同火源及五點量測座標點來分析能見度和煙沉降速率的相互關係。由結果顯示,釋放壓力影響與火源大小均對熱煙沉降速率明顯。溫度衰減曲線與火源大小較有關係。



  Since the smoke is one of the factors in death in the fire accident, the smoke exhaust systems of buildings are the crucial subsistence equipments. Therefore, the effectiveness of the smoke exhaust system is very important. Full-scale hot smoke tests were used to analyze the performance of the smoke exhaust system in building devices. Decrease the rate of hot smoke layer is usually one of the critical judgments factors in the testing process. Reference to AS 4391-1999 hot smoke tests, the study set up some monitoring sites in the fixed laboratory space to record the smoke distribution in different release pressures and fire sizes and a few other fire sources put the smoke patterns in the smoke chamber. Parallel monochromatic visible attenuation principle was adopted in the present study. The attenuation values were recorded in smoke visibility measurement instrument, using the Lambert-Beer law, during the entire testing process. Quantitative of smoke distribution were measured. The results showed that the release pressure and fire size had the significant impact on the decline rate of fire smoke. The relationship of temperature attenuation and fire source were more significant.

Keywords: The Decline Rate of Smoke ; Smoke Control System ; Full-Scale Hot Smoke Test ; Lambert-Beer's Law