
Investigation of the demand of training for fire fighters

Y. N. Sheen and C. Y. Hung

高雄應用科技大學 土木工程與防災科技研究所


  消防人員是消防機關重要的人力資源,當災害發生時,社會大眾的財產及安危全部交由受過訓練的消防人員保護,消防人員所受的災害搶救訓練主要是依據「消防人員常年訓練實施規定」,而一項系統化訓練程序為訓練需求分析、訓練目標確定、確保訓練實施及訓練成效評估,其中訓練需求分析為首要步驟,值得研究探討。 本文針對消防人員災害搶救訓練需求分析上予以探討;研究消防人員災害搶救訓練需求分析的重要因素及國內外消防人員專業訓練概況,進而研擬具體結論與建議措施,以做為日後強化目前現況及缺點改進之基礎,並提供予實務單位參考。



  The most important asset of a fire department is fire fighters because they can protect public property and safety from disasters. The disaster rescue training which fire fighters undergo is based on「Regulation of routine training for fire fighters」. A systematic training program consists of training demands analysis, well-defined training targets, practical training courses, and training effect evaluations. Among those elements, the training demands analysis is worthy of further investigation. This study surveys and compares generally the key issues of our programs on training demands with those of international fire fighters training programs. Through differentiating analysis on those training programs, conclusions and suggestions will be proposed to enhance present situations, rectify shortcomings and provide practical measures to our fire departments.

Keywords: Fire Fighters; Disaster Rescuing; The Demand of Training