
A Study of the Smart Phone by Using SWOT Analysis

Y. L. Chen, J. Y. Chen and C. H. Chuang

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  在科技發展快速的年代,智慧型手機功能也變得越來越多元;而手機內安裝的應用軟體也越來越多樣化,這也更加吸引了許多軟硬體廠商相繼投入研究發展。不同的智慧型手機品牌所搭載的功能與特性,也使得消費者對於智慧型手機的選擇性越來越多。然而各品牌的業者為了增加其市場占有率,也都紛紛採取必要的策略,其中,針對消費者對於智慧型手機每種功能的重視程度及滿意度的瞭解以及自家品牌在市場中的競爭地位便顯得很重要。 本研究採用SWOT分析方法,以消費者的功能需求為問項,發放重要度與滿意度問卷,經由數據分析從中進行彙整出各品牌之競爭態勢,以提供給現今台灣開發智慧型手機的業者做為參考。



  In the years of rapid technological development, smart phones are becoming more and more different types of functions, and application software installed on the phone, more diverse and more attracting also. Many manufacturers star to research and development it. Smart phones are equipped with the different functions of each brand that makes consumers have more selection. However, various companies take some necessary strategies in order to increase their market share. This study applies the SWOT method to analyze the consumers’ demand, expectation and the satisfaction about smart phone. The questionnaires are used to collect data. Finally, some suggestions are concluded for smart phone industry in Taiwan.

Keywords: SWOT; Smart Phone