
The Study of the Cognitive Differences of Elementary Students in Higher Grades on Noise Annoyance around Schools in Downtown Kaohsiung

L. T. Hsieh 1,2 and Y. Z. Huang1

1國立屏東科技大學 環境工程與科學系
2國立屏東科技大學 新興污染物研究中心


  學校為傳授知識最重要的場所之一,首重學習環境之靜謐,以利教與學之成效。當學校外圍充斥各種噪音干擾時,將對教學產生負面之影響。本研究旨在探討國小高年級學生對校園周界噪音概念認知之差異情形,採問卷調查法,以自編之測驗評量問卷進行資料收集,並研究不同背景之學生對校園周界噪音概念的認知情形。本研究以高雄市區國小五、六年級學生為研究對象,以非 隨機抽樣進行調查,回收之有效問卷計850份;分析數據時,採用t檢驗、卡方檢驗、單因子變異數等統計方法分析。研究結果顯示:1.混合住商學區與噪音學區之學生在整體噪音污染認知上,無顯著差異;但位於噪音學區裡之小港區與楠梓區學生在整體噪音污染認知上,則有顯著差異。2.年級、性別、上課時有無校園周界噪音之影響對學生在整體噪音污染認知上,無顯著差異;3.家長學歷、噪音知識來源對學生在整體噪音污染認知上,則呈現顯著差異。



  Schools play one of the most important roles in acquirement of knowledge. As a critical learning environment, it requires quietness in order to achieve effective teaching and efficient learning. Loud roaring noise around schools can affect teachers’ teaching and students’ learning seriously. A non-random sampling questionnaire survey and a multiple-choice exam made by the author are conducted to understand the elementary students’ concepts of the noise around schools in downtown Kaohsiung. This study invites the 5th and 6th graders in elementary schools in downtown Kaohsiung as the research objects, with 850 valid questionnaires collected and then analyzed through T-test, Chi-square test, and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). It is concluded that the students’ concepts of the noise annoyance around schools are not significantly correlated with their school districts which are categorized as mixed residential commercial area and noise area in this study but with Nanzi and Xiaogang District included in the noise area. Furthermore, their concepts are significantly correlated with neither their grades, genders nor the fact that if there’s any noise annoyance around their schools, but with their information sources and the educational background of their parents.

Keywords: Noise annoyance around schools; Noise area; Concepts of noise; Cognitive differences; Noise