
The Study of Highway System Impact under Earthquake Disaster

M. C. Teng and J. L. Su

國家災害防救科技 地震人為組


  近年來常發生極端氣候所導致之自然災害事件,且災害規模遠超出預期,例如2011東日本大地震等,使社會各界對災害防救工作越加關注。公路系統為交通運輸與民生活動的重要管道,若因災害發生造成破壞,勢將對災後的聯絡、急難救助與物資運輸造成重大衝擊,影響救災工作。 公路系統屬於關鍵基礎設施之交通運輸系統,有鑑於國家關鍵基礎設施或重要資源一旦遭受天然災害或人為的破壞,可能造成政府及企業運作中斷,形成骨牌及擴大效應,嚴重衝擊經濟發展與民心士氣,甚至嚴重影響政府運作。因此,如何運用風險管理方法建立受災衝擊分析做為公路防災管理為其重要課題。



  The extreme event of natural disasters has had a serious significant impact on transportation infrastructure in recent years. Highway system is very important to transportation infrastructure. Highway system in Taiwan is vulnerable to earthquake disaster. Vulnerability of a transportation infrastructure system is the susceptibility to incidents that can result in a considerable reduction in transportation network serviceability. Highway systems are an important channel for transportation and livelihood activities of populations. Therefore, when a highway system is damaged by disaster it will create a major impact on post-disaster communications, emergency relief, and affecting disaster relief works. To avoid the impacts from earthquake on transportation infrastructure in Taiwan, this study focuses on highway system earthquake impact analysis to improve its disaster management.

Keywords: Highway System; impact analysis