
Consumer safety awareness on avian influenza epidemic of domestic chicken

T. S. Huang and Y. M. Tang

銘傳大學 社會與安全管理學系





  Explore the avian influenza outbreak may be the consumer safety awareness, avian influenza affect consumer buying behavior. In this study, use of Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing System to investigate access to information-gathering, stratified systematic sampling and 3508, a total of the call, the effective sample 1213, the 95% confidence level, the sampling error is about± 2.88%, the response rate of 34.6%. The study found health and safety impacts: low levels of education, engaged in traditional agricultures, lower safety awareness of avian influenza incident; Impact of avian influenza incident: low levels of education, older, low-income less likely to improve the consumption environment of the traditional markets, enhance its willingness to traditional market to buy chicken. Civil servants, household income higher than by chicken products have been qualified meat inspector impact of increased willingness to buy. The outbreak of avian influenza will affect consumers buy chicken cognitive thereby affecting the buying behavior is therefore recommended that governments and consumers should increase the consumption of chicken meat safety awareness, healthy chicken, build a safe environment for consumption, strengthen consumer watchdog function.

Keywords: Domestic Chicken; Avian Influenza; Safety Awareness