李洋寧1、李中生1、簡賢文2 |
摘要 近年來,各消防機關針對供公眾使用建築物嚴格執行消防安全檢查、檢修申報、防焰、防火管理等制度之推動執行,火災傷亡人數明顯下降,而住宅火災傷亡人數卻一直未見降低,尤其是老舊住宅社區。由於火災具有火勢及濃煙迅速蔓延的特性,若錯失一開始的逃生或搶救時機,往往造成生命財產損失;更甚者,若發生於舊市區或老舊建物,因巷道狹窄、逃生通道不足、使用易燃建材等問題,傷亡損失更難以想像;而根據統計分析資料,火災成因以電器設備、人為縱火居多,更是老舊建物常見的致災因子,因此,老舊建物及社區生活安全課題至為重要。本文蒐集近期國內外老舊建物或社區的火災案例,藉由老舊建物/社區火災事件分析,探討老舊建物現有問題,並檢討目前政府推動老舊建物防火成效,據以提出防減災策略,以降低老舊建物/社區火災事故的風險。
關鍵字:老舊建物、火災、防減災策略。 ABSTRACT Recently, the fire safety inspections and maintenance for public use buildings must be enforced strictly to decrease the casualties in the fire accident. However, people injured or killed in residential fires have been ascended especially the old residential units. Fire patterns may be created by flame impingement, hot gases, and smoke. If people waste precious rescue time or delay rescue effort which may cause serious damage of people's life and property. Even more, under some situations could be caused more sever damages such as the narrow roadway and insufficient escape space in the existing urban areas or existing buildings and the flammable material buildings. According to statistical data, two main groups of fire are electrical equipment and arson especially when these are in the existing buildings. Therefore, existing buildings and communities fire safety is an important issue. This paper collects and analyzes recent cases of fire in Taiwan and in the world, explores existing problems of the existing buildings, and reviews fire safety policies and formulates fire safety measures in buildings. Finally, this study proposes the strategies of existing building fire prevention and reduction to reduce the risk of fire. Keywords: Existing Buildings; Fire; Strategies of Fire Prevention and Reduction |