
Investigation of Fire Prevention Management System in Hospitals

Y. N. Sheen, C. K. Lee and C. W. Huang

高雄應用科技大學 土木工程與防災科技研究所


  火災預防最理想境界就是不讓任何火災發生,其次是發生火災時可以於初期階段滅火成功。國內各家醫院,除了基本的醫療功能外,也增加餐飲、購物等各項附加服務設施,讓現今的醫療院所在機能上比早期更加地複雜,相對上發生火災的機率亦大增。 本文針對醫院推展防火管理制度上予以探討;研究現行防火管理機制在醫院推展上的缺失,進而研擬具體結論與建議措施,以落實平時防火管理工作與消防設備保養維護,減少火災發生。



  The ideal state of fire prevention is free of accident. The next acceptable state is put off fire successfully at the initial stage of a fire before it leads to catastrophic damage in human lives and properties. This fire prevention management is particularly important to Taiwan hospitals because they are compounded with mass facilities such as food courts, shopping center and other customers’ services other than fundamental medical buildings. Those commercial facilities increase the possibility of fire occurrence in hospitals, in addition, increase the rescue difficulties in human lives- especially those patients and disables.Current study is to investigate the pros and cons of current fire prevention management system of Taiwan hospitals, and to provide substantial conclusions and suggestions in order to maintenance the efficiency of current fire prevention system, and to reduce fire accidents in hospitals.

Keywords: Hospitals; Fire; Fire prevention management